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Office and Productivity

Windows apps    Linux apps    Description  
Windows Update, Add/Remove programs

apt-get, Aptitude, portage, rpm, urpmi, yast, yum, Synaptic

Every Linux distribution has an infrastructure to manage installed software which is quite different from Windows. For instance, all updates are handled by a single program. See package management.
Google Desktop

Beagle, Recoll, Google Desktop

Desktop Search

Alcohol 120%, Discjuggler, Easy CD Creator, Nero Burning ROM

XCDRoast, more

CD burning
7-Zip, Winzip, Winrar


File Roller,
hjsplit; command line tools

Notepad, Wordpad, TheGun, EditPlus, SciTE

Kate, BlueFish, Gedit, Joe

Text Editors
WinMerge, SyncToy

Meld, Unison, Synkron, rSync

File synchronization
Daemon Tools

mount, GMount-ISO

ISO mounting
Norton Ghost

Partition Image, g4u, Mondo, dd

Disk imaging
Norton Partition Magic

QTparted, GParted

Disk partitioning


Synchronization with Windows Mobile devices
Veritas Backup Exec, Cobian Backup

UniSon, Veritas Netbackup, more


Outlook, Thunderbird + Lightning, Sunbird
Evolution, Kontact, BALSA, Thunderbird + Lightning, Sunbird

Personal information managers
chkdsk fsck check your file system (and the hard disk beneath it) for errors
Quicken, Microsoft Money, TurboTax

GnuCash, KMyMoney, jGnash, MoneyDance, Grisbi, PLCash, CrossOver Office with Quicken, lazy8ledger

Disclib gWhere
Disk cataloging programs
Microsoft Project Manager
Imendio Planner, Kplato, MOOS Project Viewer, MrProject, RationalPlan

Project management
Access, dBase, Foxpro, Paradox
Kexi, OOBase
WinEdt, TeXnicCenter
Kile, Texmaker, LyX

Kivio, Dia
Excel, Lotus123, QuattroPro
OOCalc, Gnumeric, KSpread

OOImpress, KPresenter
OOWriter, AbiWord, KWord, LaTeX

Word Processing
Microsoft Office,
OpenOffice, KOffice, Siag Office
Office package
Filemon, Regmon

system call tracking (file monitor & others)
WinRunner xautomation automating interactive applications
Disk Size Explorer

File Light, Konqueror
Disk usage analyzers


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