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Showing posts from August, 2010

Real time Sinhala Unicode converter

Following Sinhala unicode translater is a very useful tool for all the Sinhala web users who needs a quick sinhala unicode typing. The main advantage of this tool is that user can type the sinhala characters using English (commonly known as Singlish) Use the following link to access the online unicode converter.

how to extract iso files ?

Anyone who need to use the content  of an .iso image file in ubuntu, without burning it to a cd can use the following command to create a virtual cd by mounting the .iso file. $ sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/iso/file.iso /media/cdrom After using the virtual CD you can simply unmount the virtual drive using the following command $ sudo umount -f /media/cdrom0

Creating Screencasts on Ubuntu

Add repositories System --> Administration --> Software Sources Tick "Community maintained Open Source software (universe) Tick "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)" Close Reload Install QEMU, avidemux, ffmpeg2theora, audacity on the host $ sudo apt-get install qemu avidemux ffmpeg2theora audacity   Alternatively (preferably) qemu could be compiled from source. It's not nearly as hard as it sounds. There's a great guide to compiling QEMU on the Hampshire LUG wiki. Doing this means you can enable the (closed source) KQEMU module which dramatically improves performance of QEMU. Install xvidcap Home page: Download the .deb Visit download page: Download xvidcap_1.1.4_i386.deb from mirror. $ wget -c Install the .deb $ sudo dpkg -i xvi...

Convert MPEG to AVI using mencoder in Ubuntu

1. Install mencoder using : $ sudo apt-get install mencoder 2. Move to the folder which contains the .mpeg /.mpg file 3. run the following command :         mencoder INPUTFILE.mpeg -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT.avi ** in the example I'm converting INPUTFILE.mpeg to OUTPUT.avi